Beauty Tips


Sugaring hair removal is the best form of hair removal and the best alternative to waxing. This form of hair removal is an organic paste that your Aesthetician is specially trained at removing hair. Finally, It is gentle to the skin, naturally exfoliates and it removes hair in the direction of hair growth.  When seeing a professional Aesthetician for your Hair Removal, there are some important things to understand and prepare. Today I’m going to explain Pre and Post preparation for your skin and it will help your treatment run smoothly.

15 tips to help prepare for your sugaring appointment


Use a loofah, bath mit or scrub o exfoliate 2-3 times a week when you bathe. The best time to start is 72-hours after your last sugaring treatment. Thereafter, rinse thoroughly and remove all soap and leave to dry naturally in a well ventilated place.


Moisturize your skin daily before and after your hair removal treatment (not the day of your treatment or during the first 72 hours after your treatment). Moving forward, this will help your skin and the hair grow for better sugaring treatments.

3.No Sweating

Do not do anything that will cause excessive sweating as the follicles are open and prone to infection. 

4.Sun Exposure

Resist sun exposure for 48 hrs before and after being sugared.

5.Excessive Heat

Stay away from saunas, steam rooms, spas, and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.

6.Hot Water

Both hot baths and hot showers are discouraged directly after your appointment. If you need to bathe, use lukewarm water.


Stay away from swimming in chlorinated pools or the beach for 24 hours after your sugaring treatment.


Hold off from heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after your treatment.

9.Exfoliating Products

Abstain from the use of exfoliating products for at least 72 hours after Sugaring as they might irritate your skin.

10.Natural Loofah

Hold off from using natural loofah’s as bacteria thrive in natural fibers.


Avoid applying deodorant for the first 24 hours after sugaring treatment if sugaring underarms.


Ditch applying make-up directly after facial sugar.

13.Loose Clothes

Avoid tight clothing after sugaring, especially in the sugared areas. Wearing tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.


Don’t shave between sugaring. This distorts the hair growth cycle.

15.Ingrown Hair

Don’t pick at ingrown hairs, it may cause scarring or even infection. Come in and we will remove them professionally and hygienically.

After your sugaring appointment

It is recommended your hair removal treatments are scheduled every 3 weeks for the best results. The hair will eventually start growing in less and less for most people if you maintain an every 3-week schedule year-round.


HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion treatment method that cleanses and exfoliates your skin, extracts irritants from your pores and provides hydration and antioxidant protection in the same treatment. The result is clearer, brighter, younger-looking skin with absolutely no discomfort or downtime. At Skin So Sweet, we have found that this is one of our most popular skincare treatments. One of the most frequently asked questions we get about this life-changing treatment is how should I prepare beforehand?

Tips to prepare for your HydraFacial

Two Weeks Before Treatment

Two weeks before your scheduled HydraFacial, refrain from receiving any laser treatments. You should also avoid scheduling any medium or deep chemical peels or dermal fillers during this time.

One Week Before Treatment

While you can’t schedule dermal fillers within two weeks of your scheduled hydradermabrasion, you can schedule Botox within eight days of your hydradermabrasion treatment. It’s important to note that you can schedule Botox on the same day as your hydradermabrasion; it just has to be performed after the hydradermabrasion.

Five Days Before Treatment

Three to five days before your treatment, start your hydropeptide or PCA SKIN skincare regimen. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and develop a customized skincare routine for you to follow which will allow you to reach your goals. Regardless of your personal goals, you must be sure to include a sun protectant of some variety.

Three Days Before Treatment

For the 72 hours prior to your treatment, refrain from excessive unprotected exposure to the sun. If you are outside during the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM, be sure that you are wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 35. If you have fairer skin, you may need UVA and UVB ray protection of at least 55. Similarly, you should avoid tanning beds during this time.

Two Days Before Treatment

Two days before your treatment, do not use any over-the-counter acne medications, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Refrain from waxing and using depilatories. You should also refrain from any type of exfoliating treatments, like those containing active enzymes or glycolic acids. Finally, do not use any topical product containing tretinoin, such as Retin-A, for at least 48 hours before your treatment session.

The Day of Treatment

We strongly recommend that men do not shave on the day of treatment. However, if you feel you must shave, make sure you do not shave within three to four hours of your appointment. On the day of your scheduled session, we strongly recommend bringing in any medications you take regularly.

Before your treatment, your provider will need a list of all medications you are taking, including dosages and any changes to your medical history. Finally, you should only cleanse your face with a pre-approved cleanser. Some cleansers can irritate your skin after treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: Sugar is a natural product that is used at room temperature that only adheres to hair & dead skin cells. A sugar paste is moulded onto the skin against the direction of hair growth (with a hand-held technique). It's then extracted with the natural direction of hair growth. This allows hairs to slide out gently causing, less pain, less irritation, less breakage, less and less ingrowns.

    Wax is a resin based product that is heated to a high degree that adheres hair & live skin cells. Waxing uses sticks & pellon strips that remove hairs against the natural hair growth. This allows hairs to bend backwards & breakage can occur causing this method to be more painful, more irritation, more breakage and cause more ingrowns.

  • A: A minimum of 2 weeks of hair growth is required for treatments (at least 1/4" long) Please do not trim or shave hair prior to your appointment (well will trim if needed) Avoid using any lotions, sprays or powders.

  • A: Yes! All Sugarists should be a licensed Esthetician by the Board of Barbering & Cosmotology in there current state. Also all Sugarists should be certified & trained by a reputable sugaring company. These two certificates should be posted clearly in the establishment.

  • A: The most discomfort exists on your initial Sugaring visit, but decreases significantly with each treatment thereafter. As your hair growth diminishes (becoming thinner & lighter) the amount of discomfort less and gets easier & more gentle.

  • A: Yes. Sugar is hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic. Sugar is applied with a gloved hand and a fresh ball of sugar paste is used on each client. No sticks or strips-means no risk of cross contamination. Simply all natural

  • A: Sugar paste is made from sugar, lemon and water. 100% natural - free of chemicals & artificial additives.

  • A: Yes. By appointment only. We offer easy priority online booking at The salon is open 7 days a week from 8:30 am- 8:30 pm (depending on the day)

  • A: Yes. Sugaring is the most gentle form of hair epilation. Sugar is applied at room temperature & only adheres the dead skins & hair, therefore – NONE of your live skin cells can be removed. Made from sugar, water, and lemon juice (citric acid), It is 100% organic, natural & vegan. Any type of skin type & hair type can be sugared.

  • A: No. On the contrary, the hair will grow back thinner, lighter and some will never grow back. Continual sugarings treatments will noticeably reduce hair growth and its re-growth takes longer to appear.

  • A: Generally sugaring hair removal lasts between 3-6 weeks. Hair re-grows at different rates depending on your current thickness and quality of your existing hair. Over time using Sugaring as a treatment will significantly reduce hair growth.

  • A: Yes. Many women still get sugared throughout their pregnancy. There isn't any real reason to stop. Since every pregnancy is different, if you have any concerns, consult your doctor.

  • A: Yes! It's completely fine with us, just up to you. We just ask that you use a tampon before your service begins.

  • A: YES!! We can sugar any unwanted body hair from eyebrows to legs and everywhere in between.

  • A: We book out 30 minutes for all Bikini services. This allows enough time for a thorough sugaring, explanation, and time for tweezing if needed.

  • A: After a sugaring treatment allow 24-48 hrs to let your treated area relax. We recommend using a daily exfoliate scrub (no mitts or scrub brushes necessary - they harbor unseen/ unsmelt bacteria) Along with an exfoliating topical protection containing glycolic, lactic, or salicylic acid. These treatments allows dead skin cells to sluff off and keep you smooth & protected.